I must admit that it has been a long time since I was here. The reason being is that someone said something that discouraged me to return. But we can't let discouragement and fear keep us from using the talents that God has given us. People spend years trying to find out what they are good at, what their potential is, what they want to do. I thought I knew what I wanted to do. But I never knew what it all meant until 2012 when I was brought back home. Like a lamb that had gone astray, the Good Shepherd came calling. I had a lot to learn.
They say, "Don't kill the messenger." But that doesn't help the messenger feel all that better I think. Still a message is something that needs to be said, especially if the messenger has been sent by a King! And truly I have been sent. I have been running a long time much like the story of Jonah who ran away. Not because I didn't want someone to be saved from God's wrath. No, but out of fear of not being heard. But when God sends us out, we are to go. Lord Jesus is the King of Kings and I follow Him. I'm a writer and I have a message. There is hope. Christ is that hope.
In a short hour it will be Easter Sunday. And soon the sun will come back up to start the day once more. Kids will be looking for signs that the Easter Bunny had come. Some will be getting ready for church in their Sunday Best. Breakfast will be served. Family has arrived already or is on the way. And the message of the Resurrection will be told once more. But life isn't just at Easter. Hope isn't just at Easter. It continues.
Every day is a day to celebrate life. That is if you have it! It's in Christ Jesus! He is Risen from the Dead! And for those who believe with a faith that is alive, know that Hope and have that Life. It is a free gift that cost a great deal. Blood was shed. Innocent blood. Lord Jesus, God in Flesh, died and became a curse to set the captives free. He became a curse so we could receive the greatest blessing of all: Him! Life, Redemption, Forgiveness, Peace with God, Hope!
Happy Easter!
"But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole.
He was whipped so we could be healed." Isaiah 53:5 NLT